
Synopsis of 2024 - Call for Papers2022



Participating Organization


Participants from 80 Utilities,PSUs and Government Institution.

Technical Papers received for the seminar.


About The Conference

The 10th edition of Metering India organized by the Energy Meter Division brings together experts for discussions on the latest advancements in energy metering. It's a symposium to share knowledge, network, and develop business for a sustainable energy future. This biennial event, organized in collaboration with metering companies and various stakeholders in the electrical ecosystem, for knowledge sharing, networking, and business development. Metering India has a two-decade track record of transforming the Indian energy landscape. Leading experts convene at Metering India to tackle industry challenges and explore new technologies for a more efficient and reliable power grid. Since 2004, more than 4000 delegates representing diversified fraternity of power sector have participated in “Metering India” seminars. Join us for a dynamic exploration of the latest advancements in energy metering.

Empowered by evolving communication technologies, metering has transitioned from its conventional role, to unleashing benefits, from granular analytics and dynamic pricing to demand response, load curtailment, and enhanced revenue protection and upcoming use cases in electricity distribution. This unlocks a spectrum of data-driven revolution positions metering as a cornerstone of a smarter, more sustainable energy future empowering consumers and stakeholders to better manage the transitioning energy needs.

The "Metering India" conference, once focused on traditional themes like revenue management and IT, undergoes a bold transformation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are now center stage, rewriting the script for the energy sector. Smart devices empowered by sophisticated algorithms dismantle the "business as Personalized consumer insights” empower individuals with actionable advice to reduce their carbon footprint. This is just a glimpse of the imaginative potential. Predictive maintenance, cybersecurity fortification, and grid optimization – all stand to benefit from the power of AI and ML

This "Metering India" conference signifies a pivotal moment, by embracing the transformative potential of intelligent systems, where we can create a brighter, efficient, and equitable energy future.

Seminar Insights

The 2024 edition Metering India Seminar would be of interest for the participants from:


Energy Service Companies

Electricity Tariff Regulators

Testing Institutes

Utility Service Providers


Academic and Research Intitutes

Building Sector

Industrial Sector

Solar and Wind Farm Equipment Manufactures

Captive Power Generators

Power Traders

AMI Solutions Providers and System Intergrators

Manufactures of Energy Meters

Telecom Service Providers

Solar and Wind Farm Integrators

Time Lines for Papers

Full-Text Paper Submission: 15th May 2022
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection/ Revision with comments 25th May 2022
Final Paper Submission 25th June 2022
Paper Acceptance with comments 20th July 2022

English will be the working language for this Conference. The Technical Committee will maintain a suitable balance between contributions from industry, government and academia.

The Conference would provide wider reach to the authors to present their contribution to the electrical & allied Industry and get due recognition. The papers presented in the conference shall be evaluated by experts with decades of rich experience.

Cohost Opportunity

Attractive cohost opportunities to brand globally and multiply brand visibility:

Excluding GST
Principal INR 10,00,000 USD 15,000
Amount(Lakhs) Exhibibiting Cum Product Display Booth Corporate Video Complimentary Delegates Logo Display on Company Standee Advertisement in CABLEWIRE bound volume
Principal 10 3x3 sq mm (inside main hall)) Y 20 Main Backdrop +
Delegate Kits + Thank you sponsor
Backdrop + Sponsor panel +
Podium Banner +
Delegate Badges +
Slot in panel discussion
Y - 3 No's (Main Entry) 2 (Gatefold & Inside back)
Platinum INR 6,00,000 USD 9,000
Amount(Lakhs) Exhibibiting Cum Product Display Booth Corporate Video Complimentary Delegates Logo Display on Company Standee Advertisement in CABLEWIRE bound volume
Platinum 6 3x3 sq mm (outside hall) Y 12 Main Backdrop +
Delegate Kit + Thank you sponsor
Backdrop + Sponsor panel +
Podium Banner discussion
Y - 2 No's 2 (Prime Location)
Gold INR 4,00,000 USD 6,000
Amount(Lakhs) Exhibibiting Cum Product Display Booth Corporate Video Complimentary Delegates Logo Display on Company Standee Advertisement in CABLEWIRE bound volume
Gold 4 N Y 8 Main Backdrop +
Delegate Kit + Thank you sponsor
Y - 1 No's 1
Silver INR 2,00,000 USD 35,00
Amount(Lakhs) Exhibibiting Cum Product Display Booth Corporate Video Complimentary Delegates Logo Display on Company Standee Advertisement in CABLEWIRE bound volume
Silver 2 N N 4 Delegate Kit + Thank you sponsor
Y - 1 No's 1
Exhibition INR 1,00,000 USD 2,000
Amount(Lakhs) Exhibibiting Cum Product Display Booth Corporate Video Complimentary Delegates Logo Display on Company Standee Advertisement in CABLEWIRE bound volume
Exhibition 1 Y (3X3 sq mm) - Exhibition Area N 2 Thank you sponsor
N 1

Conference Schedule

21st – 22nd November 2024: Hotel Pullman, Aerocity - New Delhi

DAY 1: Thursday, 21st November 2024

Keynote- CEA standard specification of EHV transformer & Shunt reactor

"Mr. S.K Ray Mohapatra,
Chief Engineer - PSETD Division Central Electricity Authority Ministry of Power, Govt. of India"

Specification enhancements and alignment with standards.

Mr. Shashank Kulkarni,
Team Leader – Electrical Design Siemens Ltd.

Latest trends in Transformer design & Manufacturing.

Mr. Vikrant Joshi,
PTR Scientific Leader GE T&D India Limited

Effective procurement process of EHV transformer & Shunt reactors

Mr. S.K.Gupta,
AGM BHEL, Jhansi

Emerging Technology of Bushings

Mr. Lars Liden,
Product Marketing Specialist
Bushings and tap-changers
Hitachi ABB Power Grids Sweden

Session Moderator

"Mr. Tarun Garg,
Hitachi ABB"

DAY 2: Friday 22nd November 2024

Keynote- OLTC selections, failure modes, causes and prevention.

"Mr. Shrikant B. Potnis,
Chief Executive Officer
Easun MR Tap Changers Pvt. Ltd.

Selection & application of Bushings, tap changers, accessories

"Mr. A.S. Jhala ,

Role of Digital system for transformer application- Utilities perspective

"Mr. P.K.Patnaik,
Dy. General Manager ( Electrical) Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Ltd."

Digitalization & Emerging Online monitoring devices

Mr. Thomas Buijs,
Hitachi ABB Power Grids

State of art testing at factory (including remote FAT) for dielectrics, losses, thermal & emissions

"Mr. Rakesh Patil,
Chief Manager – Quality Management Siemens Ltd."

Session Moderator

"Mr. Vikrant Joshi,
GE(T&D) India

Day 3: Saturday, 7th November 2020
Technical Session-III: Best practices in site management

Keynote- Theory of Partial discharge, methods for low PD by design, material and manufacturing processes in oil filled transformer and reactors, with latest trends in monitoring and diagnostics

"Mr. Stephen Heberer,
Vice President System Altanova Group"

Best practices in storage, transportation, site erection and commissioning

"Mr. Adish Kumar Gupta ,
Power Grid"

Reliability based maintenance & trends in condition assessment

"Mr. Gunjan Agrawal,
PGCIL*( to be confirmed shortly)"

Site Repair and Refurbishment

Mr. Gautam Mazumdar,
Assistant General Manager-Transformer Service CG Power and Industrial Solutions Limited

Restoration & overhauling case studies after major breakdowns

Mr. A J Chavda,
Superintending Engineer (Testing & Condition Monitoring)

Session Moderator

Mr. B P Soni

Panel Discussion:
One Nation- One Specification( Standardization of Specifications of Power Transformer & Reactors)

Mr. S.K. Ray Mohapatra
Chief Engineer, Central Electricity Authority

b) Mr. P Ramachandran
Sr. Consultant & Transformer Expert

c) Representative from PGCIL* –
Name to be confirmed shortly

Session Moderator

Mr. C Jayasenan
Chairman, Technical Committee

Metering India 2024 - Call for Papers

With the theme of “Sustainable and Consumer Centric Utilities towards NetZero”, this 10th edition of Metering India will focus on power of Smart Metering technology to empower consumers; catalyse greater satisfaction and making Utilities sustainable to complement India’s Journey towards net zero.

The event has been structured in five sessions to delve into key aspects of the Smart Metering, discuss challenges, and explore potential solutions.

  • AMI and Cyber Security
  • RDSS and way forward
  • Roll outs and road blocks
  • Smart Grid - utility perspective
  • AMI - empowering stakeholders
  • Metering applications beyond billing
  • Business model for AMI implementation
  • Smart Metering journey towards Net Zero
  • Communication, infrastructure and technology
  • Convergence of energies - renewable Integration
  • Regulation / standards challenges and way forward
  • Empowering consumers - through digitization & IOT
  • Data analytics & management - expected outcome
  • Learning from Smart Grid implementation - Indian journey so far
  • Making utilities sustainable (through technological, financial, social, environmental and managerial aspects)

Topics for Discussion

Following are some of the major topics suggested and are not restrictive. Papers on subjects related to the theme of the seminar will be encouraged. Authors are requested to kindly mention the session name under which the paper is being submitted.

Utility Business Process and AMI Integration

AMI – Empowering Stakeholders

Empowering Consumers – Through Digitization & IOT

Challenges Of RE Integration

Data Analytics & Management Case Studies Perceived and Actual Benefits

Learning From Smart Grid Implementation – Indian Journey So Far

Roll Outs and Roadblocks

Innovation In Metering and Communication Technology

Sustainable Utilities Way Forward

Cybersecurity Compliances and Challenges

Regulation / Standards Challenges and Way Forward

Smart Metering Journey Towards Net Zero

Invitation for Papers

Papers are invited for the following five sessions:

AMI Deployment Challenges and Success Stories

Role of Metering in enabling RE Integration

Energy Efficiency: Benefits & Opportunities

Leveraging Meter Data: for Consumers and Utilities

Beyond Firewall: Building Holistic Cybersecurity for the Smart Meter Network

Time Lines for Papers

Last date of submission of full-length papers from authors: 10th July 2024

The length of the paper should not exceed six pages, including figures in the format that would be provided to the authors as standard guidelines. The papers will be scrutinized by the Seminar Technical Committee for final acceptance and inclusion in the Seminar. Intimation of acceptance will be given to the authors by 31st July 2024.

The official language of the Seminar is ENGLISH.

Download sample paper and guidelines to author


Authors can log on to http://meteringindia.ieema.org/ for registering and submitting their papers online.

Papers presented previously in any Seminar/Conference or published in any Journal in India are not acceptable. The authors are required to give a declaration regarding this effect. While the Principal Author would be exempted from payment of any participation fee, all co-authors will have to register as delegates by paying the delegate fee.

Trade name(s) or Brand name(s) of any product or service are not to be highlighted or promoted in any form. While critical reviews and analysis may be included, the paper should not be critical of any product, process, service, technology or performance in particular.

Note: Organisers / Metering India Committee reserves the right to reject any paper, if found copied or presented in any other conference in India or abroad.

Best Paper Awards

To motivate presentation of quality papers, three best papers will be recognized through cash awards. A panel of experts would judge the papers on various parameters, such as:

  • Novelty of subject (disclosure of new methods, process, design philosophy. etc.)
  • Activity undertaken (Amount of original work, experimentation, practical case studies, R&D work, etc.)
  • Any future activities suggested
  • Clarity, method of written text and presentation skills
  • Relevance to theme

Delegate Fee

Category Delegate Fee
Non – IEEMA Member INR 15000 + 18 % GST
IEEMA Member INR 12000 + 18 % GST
Utility Officials/ Academia/ Student INR 7500 + 18 % GST
International Participants USD 300

Note:-Bulk discount (up to 10%) in case of 5 delegate nominations from single organisation and 15% in case of more than 10 delegate nominations from single organisation

Delegate fee includes conference lunch, dinner and delegate kit.

Time Lines for Papers

Abstract/Full-Text Paper Submission: 15th May 2022
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection/ Revision with comments 25th May 2022
Final Paper Submission 25th June 2022
Paper Acceptance with comments 20th July 2022

English will be the working language for this Conference. The Technical Committee will maintain a suitable balance between contributions from industry, government and academia.

The Conference would provide wider reach to the authors to present their contribution to the electrical & allied Industry and get due recognition. The papers presented in the conference shall be evaluated by experts with decades of rich experience.

Time Lines for Papers

Abstract/Full-Text Paper Submission: 15th May 2022
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection/ Revision with comments 25th May 2022
Final Paper Submission 25th June 2022
Paper Acceptance with comments 20th July 2022

English will be the working language for this Conference. The Technical Committee will maintain a suitable balance between contributions from industry, government and academia.

The Conference would provide wider reach to the authors to present their contribution to the electrical & allied Industry and get due recognition. The papers presented in the conference shall be evaluated by experts with decades of rich experience.

Co-Host Benefits:

Benefits Diamond Gold
Number of complimentary Delegates 4 2
1-2 minutes non-commercial video to play during Lunch & Tea/Coffee breaks Yes ---
Display of Standee/ brought by Co-host at Registration area Yes Yes
Logo in Promo Mailers Yes ---
Conference Backdrop/Banners Yes Yes
Brochures for distribution at registration desk Yes Yes
Thank you Co-Host at the Registration Yes Yes
Area Logo on kits Yes Yes
Advertisement on Bound Volume Full Half
Company MD/ CEO Interview in Bound volume 1 Page ---

Glimpse of 10th Edition of Metering India



Organizing Committee

Mr. Jaideep Mukerjee (Chair) Secure Meters Limited
Mr. Sundeep Tandon (Vice - Chair) HPL Electric and Power Limited
Mr. Akeel Khan (Convener) Genus Power Infrastructures Ltd.
Mr. Amarjeet Singh Panesar (Co-Convener) Schneider Electric Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Amit Kumar Schneider Electric Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Manish C Swamie HPL Electric and Power Limited
Mr. Abhinav Secure Meters Ltd.
Mr. Manpreet Singh Johar Bentec India limited
Mr. Vivek Goel Central Electricity Authority
Mr. Ankur Mathur Iskraemeco India Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Suresh Pandit Capital Power Systems Limited
Mr. Vipin Mishra Capital Power Systems Limited
Mr. Anil Kumar Sharma Tata Power - DDL
Mr. Rishi Pratap Goyal BSES Rajdhani Power Limited
Mr. Raman Garg REC Limited
Mr. Kamalpreet Wadhawan Power Finance Corporation
Ms. Mridula Jain Central Power Research Institute
Mr. Manoj Kumar Tripathi EGSM, REC Limited
Mr. Ivyjit Singh Kimbal Technologies
Mr. N Kishor Narang Narnix Technolabs Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Pankaj Chawla Electrical Research & Development Association
Technical Committee
1. Ms Rajani Pande- Chairman KEC International
2. Mr Yogendra Tiwari - Mentor Universal Cable
3. Mr Shailesh Patel ERDA
4. Dr Nageshwar Rao Ex CPRI
5. Mr Natique Quamar KEC International
6. Mr S S Buva Finolex
7. Mr Kamal Khanna Sterlite Power
8. Mr Bharat Sehgal Polycab
9. Mr Rajesh Gulati Sterlite Power
10. Mr C S Mohanty Universal Cable
11. Mr Kapil Wadekar Siemens
12. Mr Pranav Vasani Finolex J Power
13. Mr Yogesh Vaidya Ravin Cables
Advisory Committee
1. Mr. P Ramachandran Sr. Consultant
2. Mr. Virendra Lakhaini Sr. Consultant
3. Mr. M Vijayakumaran Prime Meiden Limited
4. Mr. B N De Bhowmick Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
5. Mr. B P Soni Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited

Contact Us

For more details, please contact.

For Sponsorship Mr. Uttam Kumar
Delegate Registration Ms. Vishakha Chaudhary
Call for Papers - Registration Mr. Rajnish Kaushik
For Sponsorship/ General Enquiries & More details of the conference: Mr. Uttam Kumar | Organising Secretary, e-TRAFOTECH Conference 2020

About Us

“Metering India” Seminars are organized by IEEMA, the representative national organization of manufacturers of electrical, professional electronics and allied equipment in India. IEEMA undertakes various activities for the benefit of the electrical industry and its users, major ones being dissemination of information such as production statistics, government policy changes; representing the industry's views to the government; evolving price variation clauses covering a wide range of products and evolving of industry standards; training, etc. IEEMA also works with the Ministry of Power, Government of India on Power Development and Reforms Programmes. IEEMA publishes a popular monthly journal, IEEMA Journal, which is devoted to techno-commercial aspects of the industry and utilities. IEEMA provides a forum for discussion on technical and commercial matters.

IEEMA also organizes ELECRAMA Exhibitions, the largest exhibition of electrical, industrial electronics and allied products in the world.

Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers Association (IEEMA)

Rishyamook Building, First Floor,

85 A, Panchkuian Road

New Delhi - 110 001 (India)

Phone: +91-11-23363013 / 14 (Board)

Fax: +91-11-23363015

Website: www.ieema.org


Uttam Kumar (Organising Secretary)

For Sponsorship Mr. Vivek Arora
For Delegate registration Mr. Saad Kumar
For Sponsorship/ General Enquiries & More details of the conference: Mr. Uttam Kumar | Organising Secretary, e-TRAFOTECH Conference 2020

Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers' Association (IEEMA) is the apex association of manufacturers of electrical, industrial electronics and allied equipment in India.

Founded in 1948, IEEMA has a pan India presence with its corporate office at New Delhi, registered office at Mumbai and regional offices at Kolkata and Bangalore. IEEMA has its State representatives at Lucknow, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Srinagar, Guwahati, Raipur, Bhubaneswar, Gujarat and Hyderabad

IEEMA members encompasses of complete value chain in power generation, transmission and distribution equipment. Its membership base ranges from public sector enterprises, multinational companies to small, medium and large companies. IEEMA members have contributed to more than 95% of the power equipment installed in India. The Indian electrical equipment industry size in 2019-20 was in excess of USD 50 billion with exports of USD 6 billion. The industry provides direct and indirect employment to over 1.5 million people, and to over 5 million across the entire value chain.